Are you ready to launch your
highly dependent adult child?
Sign up below to download your copy of our FREE guidebook How To Motivate Your Dependent Adult Child and learn how to approach and support your child more effectively.
Are you a parent of a highly dependent adult child and nearing your breaking point?
Are graduation and wedding pictures of your friends’ more successful children affecting you negatively?
Are you questioning your parenting choices and desperately looking for some support in order to help your child become independent for good?
If you want to support your child and take loving charge of a situation that feels out of control, this is the first step towards change.
Download your FREE guidebook How To Motivate Your Dependent Adult Child now
What To Expect:
37 pages of brand new, experience-based and directly relevant learning materials including accompanying worksheets.
Five steps to take that will make a lasting positive difference at home.
Why the work begins with you.
How to maintain a loving and supporting stance while initiating permanent change.
This FREE guidebook is right for you if your adult child is…
...still highly dependent on you
…a school or university drop-out
...often lonely
...lacking a vision for a happy, meaningful life
...spending a lot of time in front of the computer
...disengaging from family activities
...using cannabis, alcohol, medication or other substances to get through the day
...uncommunicative or rejecting help
The FREE guidebook is also for you if you wonder…
...if things will ever change
...what you might have done wrong things could have gotten this bad
...whether the status quo is your fault
...why nothing seems to help in spite of you trying so hard you might approach your child in a more effective manner
...what needs to happen in order for things to change
Hello! I’m Annina.
I'm a mental health counsellor, solution-focused coach, wife to a former highly dependent adult child, Founder of Launch Support and mom to two girls.
I love helping parents of smart, but underperforming young adults in their efforts to create a supportive home environment that helps their kids live up to their potential.
Starting your own work is one of the best ways to help your child - honouring your own needs, reconsidering your role as a parent, and adjusting your expectations will help you approach your child more effectively.
This guidebook contains much of the exact content I use with my in-person clients, and I want to share it with you so that you can start making positive changes today.
Once you sign up for your free guidebook download, your email address will then be added to a mailing sequence that will contain further relevant information to your situation, including details about a fully remote and self-paced Launch Support online course you may purchase at the fraction of the cost of one-to-one coaching sessions (you can unsubscribe from that mailing list at any time).
We’re so excited to accompany you on the new path you have chosen for yourself and your family.
Launch Support